該当プラン数 387

What is the "Aonodoukutsu"
on Ishigaki Island?

【Ishigaki Island, Okinawa】BLUE-CAVE TOUR

The "Aonodoukutsu" (blue cave) was featured on the "Getsu Ten" segment of the Japanese variety show "Ikite Q!" on May 15, 2022.

One of the must-see spots to visit when you come to Ishigaki Island is the "Aonodoukutsu".

The "Aonodoukutsu" is a mysterious spot where, as its name suggests, the water surface inside the cave glows blue.

You can also enjoy activities such as snorkeling and kayaking in the crystal-clear waters around the cave.

In this article, we will introduce the charms of the "Aonodoukutsu" on Ishigaki Island and popular tours.

Why the "Aonodoukutsu" in Ishigaki Island is popular

Accessible for groups of all sizes

【Ishigaki Island, Okinawa】BLUE-CAVE TOUR

Ishigaki Tours' "Aonodoukutsu" tour is available for groups of all sizes, from private trips to company trips.

You can enjoy "Aonodoukutsu" with your family, and groups of up to 30 people are welcome. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Suitable for children of all ages

【Ishigaki Island, Okinawa】BLUE-CAVE TOUR

One of the attractions of "Aonodoukutsu" is that it is suitable for children of all ages.

There are many tours in Okinawa that are not suitable for children under a certain age, so it is a great place to enjoy the ocean safely with your family.

The instructor will provide you with thorough support, so even beginners or those who are not good at swimming can enjoy it with peace of mind.


Accessible all year round!
Best season is
from spring to summer

【Ishigaki Island, Okinawa】BLUE-CAVE TOUR

"Aonodoukutsu" in Ishigaki Island can be enjoyed all year round. The best season is from spring to summer.

In spring and summer, the main wind in Ishigaki Island is the south wind. "Aonodoukutsu", located in the northern part of Ishigaki Island, is less affected by this south wind and is in a calm state with few waves.

On the other hand, in winter in Ishigaki Island, the north wind blows, so the sea around "Aonodoukutsu" tends to be rough due to the north wind.

However, even in the winter season, you can go to "Aonodoukutsu", so it is a spot that can be enjoyed all year round.

Tours are generally held even in the rain. Despite the rain, "Aonodoukutsu" shines blue, and you can enjoy a different mysterious space.


Observe a stalactite cave

【Ishigaki Island, Okinawa】BLUE-CAVE TOUR

The formation of the "Aonodoukutsu" cave

The 'Aonodoukutsu' cave in Ishigaki Island is a stalactite cave formed through the accumulation and solidification of coral and marine organisms.

Originally, limestone was shaped by the accumulation of coral and marine organisms. Subsequently, weakly acidic rain permeated the limestone, gradually dissolving the interior and creating a cavity.

The dissolution of the cavity progressed over an extended period, eventually giving rise to a vast cave.

A compelling indicator of this process is the presence of numerous 'icicles' formed by the reaction between leaked rain's carbon dioxide and limestone on the cave's ceiling in 'Aonodoukutsu'.

【Ishigaki Island, Okinawa】BLUE-CAVE TOUR

When you look inside the cave from the sea, the light coming in from outside, the freshness of the sea, and the blue of the sky stand out even more.

The "blue" of the Aonodoukutsu may refer to the blue of the sky as well as the sea.

How to get to the "Aonodoukutsu" cave

Access to the Blue Cave

【Ishigaki Island, Okinawa】BLUE-CAVE TOUR

The "Aonodoukutsu" cave is located in Fukai  in the Yonaha region of the northern part of Ishigaki Island.

It is about 30 minutes by car from Ishigaki city center.

There are also the Yonehara Beach, which is part of the Iriomote-Ishigaki National Park, and the Yaeyama Palm Tree Grove, a natural monument, nearby.

【Ishigaki Island, Okinawa】BLUE-CAVE TOUR

【Yonehara Beach】

【Ishigaki Island, Okinawa】BLUE-CAVE TOUR

​【A Colony of Yaeyama Palm

From the parking lot of the Yaeyama Palm Grove, descend the path and beyond the jungle, you will find the beach. From there, swim to the "Blue Cave."

However, the "Blue Cave" in Ishigaki Island is a dangerous spot to visit alone. To visit the "Blue Cave," you need to join an activity tour organized by a marine shop.

Activities at the "Blue Cave"

Mystical Spot Glowing in Blue
Activities at the "Blue Cave"

【Ishigaki Island, Okinawa】BLUE-CAVE TOUR

The underwater area around the "Blue Cave" is like a beautiful natural aquarium, competing with other popular spots. Here are some recommended activities you can do at the "Blue Cave"!


Activities at the "Blue Cave"

【Ishigaki Island, Okinawa】BLUE-CAVE TOUR

The staple activity at the "Blue Cave" is snorkeling. Enjoy snorkeling from the beach towards the "Blue Cave."

The waters near the "Blue Cave" are charming due to the proximity and abundance of fish. In the clear sea, you can swim alongside various species of fish.

【Ishigaki Island, Okinawa】BLUE-CAVE TOUR

Tours offered by Ishigaki Tours are welcoming for beginners and inexperienced individuals. We provide tours with comprehensive support from safety equipment and guides.

In the luminous cave, you can enjoy the mysterious underwater world created by tropical fish and coral reefs.


Activities at the "Blue Cave"
Stand-Up Paddleboarding (SUP)

【Ishigaki Island, Okinawa】BLUE-CAVE TOUR

The recently popular new activity, Stand-Up Paddleboarding (SUP), is a versatile activity that can be enjoyed standing or sitting.

SUP is a highly flexible activity, and some even practice yoga or take naps on the SUP board.

Enjoying SUP while taking in the breathtaking views of the subtropical region is truly a tropical resort experience♪


Activities at the "Blue Cave"
Sea Kayaking

【Ishigaki Island, Okinawa】BLUE-CAVE TOUR

A classic plan on Ishigaki Island, aiming for the "Blue Cave" with the ever-popular Sea Kayaking.

Cruise over the sea, sparkling transparently under the sunlight!

Kayaking is also possible for two people, so you can ride with your child.

【Ishigaki Island, Okinawa】BLUE-CAVE TOUR

In the "Blue Cave" SUP and Sea Kayak tours, you'll approach the "Blue Cave" from the national park's Yonehara Coast.

Even while leisurely cruising under Ishigaki Island's dazzling sun, you can see through the clear sea surface to the underwater world♪

Frequently Asked Questions about "Blue Cave" Tours

Q. Can I go alone?

It is possible to go to the "Blue Cave" alone, but you need to walk through a path overgrown with plants. For safety and trouble avoidance, we recommend joining a tour led by a guide who knows the local conditions well, especially considering the dangerous conditions on days with high waves.

Q. Is it okay if I can't swim?

It's okay if you can't swim. In addition to swimming activities, you can fully enjoy the "Blue Cave" with activities like kayaking or SUP. Instructors will provide support, allowing you to enjoy it with peace of mind.

Q. Does it appear blue even on rainy days?

Yes, it appears blue even on rainy days. The tour itself may be canceled on days with high waves. However, as long as it's a little rain, the tour will proceed without any problems, and once inside the cave, rain is not much of a concern.

Q.From what age can you visit the Blue Cave on Ishigaki Island?
Currently, the tour is available for participants aged 5 and above. For further details, please check the plan page below.
Q.What time of the day is recommended for visiting the Blue Cave on Ishigaki Island?
Due to the conditions on the day, such as sea conditions, it is recommended to choose according to your morning or afternoon schedule. Starting in the afternoon and enjoying the sunset is also popular, offering a mystical spectacle.

Last-Minute and Same-Day Reservations with Ishigaki Tours!

24-Hour online reservations
Phone consultations
during business hours!

【Ishigaki Island, Okinawa】BLUE-CAVE TOUR

Most of the "Blue Cave" tours handled by Ishigaki Tours are available for last-minute and same-day reservations.

No need to worry about suddenly having free time or the other tours being fully booked when you want to visit the "Blue Cave"!

Please feel free to inquire!

【Ishigaki Island, Okinawa】BLUE-CAVE TOURの新着体験談

ユーザー_xhym さん / 40 代 投稿日:2024-08-20

まさに神秘的な体験でした!透き通った青の世界に包まれ、まるで別世界にいるかのような感覚を味わえます。ガイドさんも親切で安心して楽しめましたし、写真データが無料で貰えるのも嬉しいポイントです。 特に驚いたのは、運が良ければウミガメに会えるかもしれないということで、実際に近くでウミガメを見ることができました!また、洞窟内の探検もとてもエキサイティングで、自然の力を肌で感じることができました

ユーザー_oyea さん / 40 代 投稿日:2024-08-14


ユーザー_6789 さん / 40 代 投稿日:2024-06-25


ユーザー_2345 さん / 30 代 投稿日:2024-05-25


ユーザー_rqwt さん / 50 代 投稿日:2024-05-08

50歳にして、人生初めての石垣島へ。 こちらのツアーは今回の旅行で一番楽しかったです。 やっぱり沖縄は天気に左右されるなと思い、ほぼノープランで石垣島へ。 現地について、ほぼ夏かというくらいの暑さ、快晴具合にびっくり。 速攻で何かアクティビティをするべく予約しました。 前日だったにも関わらずすぐに対応してもらえよかったです。 ツアーでは、ガイドさんのお迎えがあり、いざ出発。 今回は一人旅のためサップをすることに。 乗り方漕ぎ方を教えてもらえるので難なく乗ることができました。 写真も撮ってもらえるのはありがたかったです。 朝日を眺めながらのサップ終了後は一度港近くで休憩に。 運動したあとのコーヒーは最高でした。 1時間ほど休憩し、再集合。続いて青の洞窟へ。 迫力満点の洞窟とカラフルな海の中は、ほんとにここ日本か、と思うほどの美しさ。 ウミガメにも遭遇でき、言うことなしでした。 開催してくださりありがとうございました。 完全に石垣島ハマりましたので、また訪れます。

ユーザー_retl さん / 20 代 投稿日:2024-05-07

最高です!! 初めての石垣島で初めてのツアーでした、ツアーってこんなに楽しいとおもいませんでした。 今まで個人で色々することが多かったけど次からはツアーに参加してみようと思います




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