該当プラン数 392

The Wilderness of Ishigaki Island
Starry Sky Night Tour

Starry Sky Night Tour

Under the pristine starry sky of Ishigaki Island, let's explore the pitch-dark subtropical jungle!

The nighttime jungle is more exciting than you can imagine. Be captivated by the full-starred sky and nocturnal creatures, unique to Ishigaki Island, which you can never experience in the city.

↓Check Starry Sky Night Tour from HERE↓
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What is the Ishigaki Island Starry Sky Night Tour?

For All Ages and Genders!
4 types of Starry Sky Night Tours

Starry Sky Night Tour

Starry Sky Night Tours held on Ishigaki Island are mainly divided into 4 types.

1. Stargazing & Photography

Starry Sky Night Tour

You can gaze at the full starry sky and spend a healing moment.

There are also tours that include a photo shoot with a professional photographer with a starry sky in the background!


2. Jungle Exploration

Starry Sky Night Tour

You can encounter nocturnal animals unique to Ishigaki Island, making it a popular tour for children!


3. SUP, Canoe, Yoga, etc.

Starry Sky Night Tour

The first type of tours is a tour where activities such as SUP, canoeing, and yoga, which are also conducted during the day,
are carried out in the jungle or on the beach at night.

You can experience the same activity in a different way - in the unique atmosphere of tranquility.


4. Limited-time Seasonal offerings

Starry Sky Night Tour

There are limited-time night tours held only during the spring and summer seasons.

You can enjoy the breathtaking views of the common putat 'Sagaribana,' which blooms for only one night, and Japan's smallest 'Yaeyama Himebotaru' (fireflies).

Guided to the Best Spots Chosen by Guides!

Starry Sky Night Tour

In Ishigaki Island's night tours, the location is determined based on seasonal or daily weather conditions
from several tour spots.

With a dedicated guide, you may go to off-the-beaten-path spots not listed in guidebooks!

Starry Sky Night Tour

If you have any requests like "I want to see this creature!" or "I want to have the beautiful night sky all to myself!",
the assigned guide will take you to the best spot that suits you requests from the numerous night spots on Ishigaki Island!

Whether it's a beautiful beach where sea turtles laying eggs or a place with many fireflies, the spots are carefully selected by the guide,
ensuring satisfaction!

Suitable for Small Children
Solid Support by Nature Guides

Starry Sky Night Tour

In the night of Ishigaki Island where artificial light is scarce, there are many places that are not safe to explore alone.

In Ishigaki Island Night Tours, knowledgeable local nature guides provide solid support!

Starry Sky Night Tour

Why not experience the night of Ishigaki Island up close in the great outdoors?
↓Check Starry Sky Night Tour from HERE↓
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Charm of Night SUP, Canoe, and Yoga

Excitement Not Found
During the Day!

Starry Sky Night Tour

You can safely enjoy activities in the calm mangrove at night. In the tranquil subtropical mangrove at night,
you paddle slowly while observing nocturnal animals.

You can also lie on the SUP and gaze at the stars!

↓ Plans including Night SUP can be found here ↓

Starry Sky Night Tour

The sound of water splashing from the oar, the jumping sound of river fish, and the sound of bats and owls rustling leaves echo through the night mangrove forest, providing the ultimate adventure experience.

Moreover, activities that can be hot during the day can be enjoyed more relaxedly at night!

↓ Plans including Night Canoe can be found here ↓


Sunset Can Also Be Enjoyed Simultaneously

Starry Sky Night Tour

Some tours start from the sunset period. While the sky is dyed in gold and deep red, you can relax and enjoy activities.

During nighttime yoga, you can spend a mysterious time under the full starry sky.

↓ Plans including Sunset & Night Yoga can be found here ↓

Creatures You Can See on Night Jungle Exploration

Encounter the Endangered Species "Yashigani"!?

Starry Sky Night Tour

The "Yashigani"(coconut crab) is designated as an endangered species, and its numbers have decreased in recent years.

Even if you search the jungle all day, you may not find it. However, on the night jungle exploration with a guide knowledgeable about the island's creatures, the encounter rate of Yashigani is over 50%, making it a highlight of the night jungle exploration.

Starry Sky Night Tour

Yashigani comes out of its burrow at night to search for food. The large ones can weigh 4-5 kg, and the size with legs spread is almost 1 meter!


Nocturnal Animals Unique to Subtropical Regions

Starry Sky Night Tour

Although it's only a 1-2 hour tour, you can see not only Yashigani but also various wildlife on Ishigaki Island.

Including the Yaeyama flying fox, Ryukyu Konohazuku (Ryukyu scops owl), giant hermit crabs, owls, and more, you may even encounter the natural monument, the Semaru Hakogame (yellow-marginated box turtle)!

↓ Check out related articles here ↓


You Might See Them Sleeping!

Starry Sky Night Tour

You can see not only nocturnal animals but also the sleeping faces of creatures active during the day!

In the mysterious night mangrove forest that covers the island and the scene of fish jumping out of the river when illuminated, you can witness scenes that can only be seen during the night tour!

↓ Plans including Night Jungle Exploration can be found here ↓

【Same-day reservations welcome】
Popular Night Tours on Ishigaki Island

Subtropical Jungle Night Tour

Starry Sky Night Tour

Experience the thrilling and exciting adventure of exploring Ishigaki Island's subtropical jungle!

Encounter rare creatures, including the endangered Yashigani, not typically seen on the mainland of Japan.

This popular tour is enjoyable for both children and adults, offering a chance to rediscover the wonders of nature with childlike excitement.

↓ Subtropical Jungle Night Tour can be found here ↓


Night Kayak Tour

Starry Sky Night Tour

Experience the unique ambiance of the nighttime sea on our Night Kayak Tour, a departure from the daytime scenery.

Gaze at the starry sky while reclining in your kayak—an experience akin to a national treasure.

Immerse yourself in the peaceful allure of the night, from the captivating sunset to the gentle caress of the serene night breeze.

↓ Night Kayak Tour can be found here ↓


Night Caving Tour

Starry Sky Night Tour

Equip yourself with a helmet and light as you embark on the exploration of the nighttime limestone cave.

Experience the mystical sights and the potential encounter with nocturnal flora and fauna unique to the night.

↓ Night Caving Tour can be found here ↓

Charm of Stargazing on Ishigaki Island

Certified as "Starry Sky Reserve"

Starry Sky Night Tour

The starry sky of Ishigaki Island was certified as the first "Starry Sky Reserve" in Japan.

It boasts one of the most beautiful skies in the world, and it is said that the real show starts from the Magic Hour (after sunset).


Secrets of the Beautiful Starry Sky
1. Minimal Impact from Jet Streams

Starry Sky Night Tour

One reason why the starry sky of Ishigaki Island looks beautiful is that there is minimal atmospheric turbulence (impact from jet streams). You can see a sky full of stars as if it were a still image.

Because the air is clear, you can also clearly see the Milky Way and artificial satellites.

You have a good chance of seeing shooting stars!


Secrets of the Beautiful Starry Sky
2. Almost No Artificial Light

Starry Sky Night Tour

The ability to enjoy stargazing in a location with almost no artificial light is also one of the major reasons for it being designated as a starry sky reserve.

In the pitch-dark darkness, you can see a beautiful starry sky clearly including the Southern Cross.

Of the 88 constellations, 84 can be seen, and you can see all 21 first-magnitude stars, which are the highest rank of stars!

Front-Row Seat on the Island of Falling Stars

Ishigaki Island - A Prime Location for Stargazing

Starry Sky Night Tour

Ishigaki Island is blessed with favorable geographical conditions, providing an environment where stars are
exceptionally visible.

The popular Southern Cross can be seen only in Ishigaki Island, primarily during spring for about half a year.

Summer showcases the beautiful Milky Way crossing the southern sky around the tail of Scorpio.

In autumn, there is the stunning full moon sung in island folk songs. In winter, Canopus (the Star of the South Pole),
believed to bring longevity when seen in the southern sky, appears.

Starry Sky Night Tour

During the stargazing tour, you can sit or lie down in a clear, open area with a good view of the starry sky.

While listening to the commentary of the stargazing guide, you can experience the breathtaking scenery of the starry sky that cannot be seen anywhere else.

↓ Check out recommended plans, including stargazing ↓

↓ Related articles you might want to read ↓


Starry Sky Photography by Professional Photographers

Starry Sky Night Tour

Some plans offer a starry sky photo shoot by a professional photographer.

Sharing a time of healing under the stars with family or friends and capturing it in photos will create wonderful

↓ Check out plans including star photography ↓

<Seasonal Limited>
Popular Night Tours on Ishigaki Island

<June to August>
"Sagaribana"(common putat) Tour

Starry Sky Night Tour

"Sagaribana" (common putat), a fleeting flower that blooms only for one night, reveals its white or pink blossoms at night and disperses with a hint of vanilla fragrance as the morning sun emerges.

Illuminating the darkness, Sagaribana imparts a sense of mystery, evoking the enchantment of the jungle.

↓ Sagaribana Tour can be found here ↓


<March to May>
Yaeyama Firefly Tour

The Yaeyama Himebotaru, Japan's smallest firefly, lights up from March to May as thousands of male fireflies emit their glow in search of mates.

The sight of these fireflies covering the entire forest resembles a 'carpet of light,' offering a breathtaking natural illumination experience.

Witness and appreciate the enchanting glow of nature's own illumination!

↓ Yaeyama Himebotaru Tour can be found here ↓

What to wear for Ishigaki Island Night Tours

Please come dressed in comfortable clothing, especially during winter nights when it can get cold.

Starry Sky Night Tour

We recommend bringing a jacket. For tours involving walking through the jungle, it's best to wear sneakers and socks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Will the tour be conducted in case of rain?
Tours other than the Starry Sky Night Tour with photography are generally conducted even in rainy
Q.What time does the tour start?
The start time varies depending on the season.
After your reservation is confirmed, the nature guide will call you the day before to
provide the exact meeting time and location.
Q.Is it possible to take photos even during a full moon?
During the full moon period, photography will be done under moonlight, and the
stars may not appear in the photos. Please keep this in mind before making a reservation.

Starry Sky Night Tourの新着体験談

フック さん / 20 代 投稿日:2024-08-20

昼間の石垣島も素晴らしいですが、夜になるとまったく違う顔を見せてくれます。このツアーでは、満天の星空の下、ジャングルを冒険するという非日常的な体験ができました。 特に印象的だったのは、街灯の少ない場所から見る星空の美しさ。まるで天然のプラネタリウムのようで、星々が本当に手の届く距離に感じられました。また、ガイドさんがとても親切で、亜熱帯の生き物や植物についても詳しく教えてくれたので、ただ星を見るだけでなく、石垣島の自然をより深く知ることができました。 キャンペーン中でお得に参加できたことも嬉しいポイントでした。家族連れでもカップルでも、誰と行っても楽しめる素晴らしいツアーだと思います。また石垣島に来たら、ぜひ参加したいです!

らいしんら さん / 20 代 投稿日:2024-08-16


MIC さん / 30 代 投稿日:2024-08-11


ユーザー_ivdn さん / 30 代 投稿日:2024-08-02


ロミ さん / 20 代 投稿日:2024-08-02





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