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Ishigaki Island Related Information
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How to meet sea turtles in Ishigaki Island! Recommended spots and types of sea turtles carefully selected by local guides.

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Can I meet sea turtles on Ishigaki Island?
Includes recommended spots and types of sea turtles!


Sea turtles," which are also listed as an endangered species, are said to be able to live only in clean waters.

Every year, sea turtles visit the beaches of Ishigaki Island to lay eggs, and you can even swim with them while snorkeling or diving☆.

For those who...
○If you want to know the encounter rate of sea turtles on Ishigaki Island, please contact us.
○If you want to know what kind of sea turtles you can see on Ishigaki Island and when.
○If you want to know the recommended sea turtle spots on Ishigaki Island.
For those who want to know about tours where you can swim with sea turtles.

In this article, we introduce the types of sea turtles that can be seen on Ishigaki Island, as well as spots & activities where you can swim with sea turtles!

Now on special SALE!
Click here for sea turtle tours with encounter rates of 901 TP3T or higher.


Types of sea turtles living on Ishigaki Island


What types of sea turtles inhabit Ishigaki Island?

This time, you can meet in Ishigaki Island.3 types of sea turtlesto the following!

Now on special SALE!
Click here for sea turtle tours with encounter rates of 901 TP3T or higher.


green turtle (Chelonia mydas)


The most famous is the green sea turtle.Most sea turtles are carnivores, but adult green turtles are known to be herbivores and their staple diet is seaweed.

Green turtles prefer warm waters, so they often appear in the waters of Ishigaki Island.

Summary of green turtle characteristics
◆ head small and round
◆Shell is smooth
◆Relatively mild-mannered
◆Predominantly found in the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans
endangered species


loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta)


Loggerhead turtles are characterized by their large heads and red bodies.

In the North Pacific, it can only be seen in Japan, mainly on Iriomote Island, south of Ishigaki Island.

Loggerhead turtles are carnivores compared to green turtles because they feed primarily on shellfish and other crustaceans!

Summary of loggerhead turtle characteristics
◆Shell reddish brown or pale yellow
◆Inhabits the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Mediterranean Oceans
◆Growing up to 100 cm
endangered species


hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)


The hawksbill turtle is smaller in size than the green and loggerhead turtles.

Its shell is heart-shaped, but as it grows, it becomes more rounded,It has a beautiful yellow and black speckled carapace.

Nowadays, it is said that it is difficult to see them, but here in Ishigaki Island, you can see them by snorkeling and diving.

Summary of taimai characteristics
◆ dorsal surface yellowish brown with blackish brown spots
◆Inhabits tropical oceans of the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans
◆Shell with jagged edges
endangered species


Time of year when there is a high probability of encountering sea turtles


On Ishigaki Island, sea turtles can be seen throughout the year. Especially, you can meet them with high probability,Spawning season from May to SeptemberThe following is a list of the most common problems with the

You may see sea turtles swimming in the shallows to lay their eggs, or you may see turtles coming up on the beach to lay their eggs.

However, sea turtles are very cautious, so approach carefully.

Now on special SALE!
Click here for sea turtle tours with encounter rates of 901 TP3T or higher.


You may see sea turtles and manta rays!
6 recommended spots on Ishigaki Island


We carefully select 6 recommended snorkeling/diving spots on Ishigaki Island where you have a high probability of meeting sea turtles!

Recommended sea turtle spots on Ishigaki Island (probability of encounter)
◆Osaki area
◆Kawahira Ishizaki Manta Point
◆ Blue Cave
◆Baras Island
◆Phantom Island (Hamashima)
◆Shihshi Lagoon

Let's dig deeper into each spot.


Osaki Area


The Osaki area including Osaki Beach has shallow water and is one of the most popular beaches in Ishigaki Island.Sea turtle encounter rate is over 901 TP3TThe company boasts a

Located on the Yarabe Peninsula in the northwestern part of Ishigaki Island, there are many coral reefs living even in shallow waters. It is a great snorkeling and diving spot as well as a hole-in-the-wall.

Now on special SALE!
Click here for sea turtle tours with encounter rates of 901 TP3T or higher.


Kabira-Ishizaki Manta Point


Kabira-Shizaki Manta Point, as the name impliesFamous for seeing manta rays.It is a diving spot in Ishigaki Island.

You can also meet sea turtles. Diving may be a hurdle, but you may encounter sea turtles while cruising Kabira Bay by canoe, SUP, glass board, etc.

This is a recommended sea turtle point for those who are not good swimmers!

Click here for recommended tours in Kabira Bay.

Learn more about Kabira Bay tours


Blue Cave


The "Blue Cave" is located in the northern part of Ishigaki Island,Popular snorkeling spot with colorful tropical fishIt is.

As the name suggests, the inside of the cave is a clear blue color, and if the conditions are met, the blue sky and the sun will be reflected, making it even bluer and more mysterious!

Probability of about 20% for sea turtles.You can meet them at However, in addition to sea turtlesEnjoy being surrounded by colorful tropical fish.Snorkeling is sure to impress! Please try to find it.

Click here for recommended tours held at the Blue Cave.

Learn more about tours held at the Blue Cave


Barras Island


The Isle of Barras.A "miracle island" made entirely of coral fragmentsThe sea turtles are very common in this area. There is a high probability of encountering sea turtles in the waters around here.

The contrast between the color of the sea and the island of Barras, known as the Island of Miracles, is outstanding! The surrounding sea is also famous for its colorful corals growing wild.

Click here for recommended tours in Barasu Island.

Learn more about our tours in Baras Island


Around Phantom Island (Hamashima)


Phantom Island is located between Ishigaki Island and Kohama Island, about 30 minutes by boat from Ishigaki Island.Uninhabited island not on the mapIt is.

It is called "Phantom Island" because of the way it appears and disappears into the sea depending on the difference in tidal levels.

Around this phantom island (Hamashima), it is possible to encounter sea turtles and manta rays. You can only go there by boat, though,Sea turtles can be seen swimming from the boat.

Click here for recommended tours held on Phantom Island.

Learn more about the tours held on the Island of Illusions.


Lake Shihshihshan


You can meet sea turtles at many snorkeling spots in Ishigaki Island, but the most famous is around Ishinishi lagoon. It is a popular spot that is often combined with a tour to the Phantom Island.

Here.Can snorkel with sea turtlesOther than that, this place is famous for the most colorful corals in Japan. Tours are also very popular, so please visit.

Click here for recommended tours held at Shihsi Jagoho.


A must-see for those who want to see sea turtles on Ishigaki Island!
Points for choosing a sea turtle tour


If you want to see sea turtles in Ishigaki Island, it is recommended to join a tour.

The guides know the spots where sea turtles are most likely to be encountered,Safe and SecureYou can enjoy encounters with sea turtles☆.


Choose a tour marked "sea turtles."


When booking a tour, choose a tour with "sea turtles" in the plan name or plan features.

Even if the plan has pictures of sea turtles, plans that do not include sea turtle encounter rates may not go to the sea turtle point on the same day.


High rate of sea turtle encounters
Boat entry tours are recommended!


Boat snorkeling, which is done by boat to the point, is better,High encounter rate as we head directly to the sea turtle spot.It is.

If sea turtles are a priority, look for boat entry tours.

However, there are several beaches on Ishigaki Island with high sea turtle encounter rates, so if you are worried about seasickness or a family with small children,Don't worry, there are also beach snorkeling tours where you can see sea turtles.


Tours with photography data are recommended.


We recommend tours where the guide takes photos during the tour and presents the data as a free gift.

If you do happen to see a sea turtle, take a commemorative photo! Please do your best to find sea turtles for a two-shot!

Includes free photo data as a gift
Click here for sea turtle tours

Points for choosing a sea turtle tour
Choose a tour labeled "sea turtles.
○ Boat snorkeling has a higher encounter rate.
○○Tour with photo tour is recommended.


Sea turtle encounter rate of 901 TP3T or higher continues!
Recommended Sea Turtle Tours in Ishigaki Island


Here are some recommended sea turtle tours!

All tours can be enjoyed even by beginners... ♪

You can meet sea turtles!
Click here for recommended tour ranking


Blue Cave Snorkeling


This is the snorkeling tour at the Blue Cave introduced earlier.The beach entry allows you to start from where you can stand on your feet, making it safe for those with small children or those who have never snorkeled before.

There is a clear and beautiful world in the sea. Let's swim with many fishes and sea turtles!

Click here for recommended snorkeling tours

Learn more about snorkeling


Phantom Island Snorkeling


Swim with colorful coral and cute fish at Ishinishi lagoon, one of Japan's largest coral reef spots in the waters near Phantom Island!

Sea turtles breathe at the surface of the water, so depending on the time of day, you may be able to see them up close.

The tour includes photo data, so please try to take two shots with sea turtles☆.

Click here for recommended snorkeling tours


Barras Island Snorkeling


Although sea turtles cannot be seen on Barras Island, a little further offshore, there are excellent snorkeling spots with colorful tropical fish and sea turtles.

Most tours start and end at Iriomote Island, but you can also enjoy a day trip from Ishigaki Island if you take the Barasu Island snorkeling tour that includes a ferry between Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands!

Click here for recommended snorkeling tours


Experience Diving


In fact, 90% of the people who participate in diving tours in Ishigaki Island are beginners! We will give you a detailed lecture according to each person's level.

On the day of the tour, we will select a calm point with the highest encounter rate with sea turtles and few waves to guide you!

Click here for recommended tours including diving

Learn more about diving


Spots where you can see sea turtles even if you can't swim.


It is located on Kuroshima Island, about 30 minutes by high-speed boat from Ishigaki Island.Kuroshima Research Instituteis a facility that conducts research on sea turtles and coconut crabs.

The Kuroshima Research Institute has a space that is open to the public and exhibits the creatures it keeps, so you can see sea turtles and other Yaeyama creatures.

It is also recommended to visit for your child's free research during summer vacation!

More about Kuroshima Research Institute
Location: 136 Kuroshima, Taketomi-cho, Yaeyama-gun, Okinawa, Japan
Access: 10 minutes by bicycle from Kuroshima Port

Learn more about Kuroshima

Click here to book a ferry to Kuroshima


What you can do to protect sea turtles


The three species of sea turtles introduced here are also listed as endangered species.

In the future, we hope that everyone who visits Ishigaki Island will be able to see sea turtles all the time, andWe should protect nature so that we can create a habitable environment for sea turtles.I think that is a good idea.

What you can do to protect sea turtles
◆Problems and development of sea turtle spawning grounds
Sea turtles lay their eggs in areas that are rich in nature, dark and quiet. However, due to development around the coast, the number of places where sea turtles lay their eggs is decreasing.

◆Impact of Global Warming
One of the major issues in global warming is rising sea levels. Antarctic ice has begun to melt and sea levels are rising. This will result in fewer beaches for sea turtles to lay their eggs, and will also endanger human habitats. Global warming has a negative impact not only on sea turtles, but also on us humans.

◆Marine debris issues
A lot of trash from overseas also washes up on the beaches of Ishigaki Island. Plastic bottles discarded on the road are blown away by the wind and washed into the ocean, and some people throw garbage directly into the ocean.Littering is absolutely wrong.It is.

Plastic debris floating in the ocean resembles jellyfish that sea turtles eat. If a sea turtle accidentally eats one, it may not dissolve in its stomach and die.




Have you found a spot where you would like to swim with sea turtles? The population of endangered sea turtles is decreasing year by year on Ishigaki Island, but sea turtles swimming gracefully are very cool.

Please try snorkeling and diving and swimming with sea turtles when you come to Ishigaki Island☆.

Click here to read the article in conjunction with this one.

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