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Ishigaki Island Related Information

Boasting an abundance of diving spots☆.
Enjoy diving in the Churaumi of Ishigaki Island!


Diving in Ishigaki Island isHigh probability of seeing manta rays and sea turtlesThe "Popular Diving Spots Ranking" of a diving magazine that has been running for more than 20 years.1st place.The company is doing so.

And the sea of Ishigaki Island, which attracts not only Japanese but also divers from all over the world, is a good place to see the variety and size of fish, the quality of the coral reefs, and the clarity of the sea, among other indicators.One of the best in the worldIt is.

For those who...
◆Beginner divers
◆If you want to dive in Ishigaki Island
◆If you want to know about recommended diving in Ishigaki Island
◆If you want to know about diving spots in Ishigaki Island
◆Ishigaki Island for those who want to see manta rays and sea turtles.

In this issue, we will introduce the charm of diving and recommended tours to experience diving in Ishigaki Island!

⬇︎Fun Diving Tour Specials here: ⬇︎

⬇︎Swim with Manta Rays tour specials are here: ⬇︎

Why Diving in Ishigaki Island is Too Attractive

World-class coral reefs are right in front of you!


The attraction of diving in Ishigaki Island is the colorful and beautiful coral reefs. In fact, nearly 1,300 different types of coral have been discovered around the world.

About 400 species can be seen in Japan, but in the Yaeyama Islands including Ishigaki Island, there areNearly 80% of coral speciesto see the


A must visit spot at least once.
Diving is possible in the waters of Phantom Island (Hamashima)!


Ishinishi lagoon, especially famous for corals in Ishigaki Island, belongs to Iriomote Ishigaki National Park.One of the largest coral reef areas in JapanIt is considered one of the most important areas for coral research in the


And a popular spot in recent years is an uninhabited island called "Phantom Island (official name: Hamajima)". It is located about 30 minutes by boat from Ishigaki Island.They only show up for a limited amount of time.This is why it is called the "Phantom Island.

Colorful corals and a wide variety of tropical fish can be found here, and the shallow waters make it safe for small children to play in the water.

↓Click here for recommended diving tours including Phantom Island

Learn more about ↓Phantom Island


Manta rays and sea turtles are highly probable!


Longing forAn island with a high probability of seeing manta rays and sea turtlesIshigaki Island is extremely popular among divers as a place to see manta rays. Among them, diving to see manta rays is the most popular.

A number of spots have been discovered where manta rays can be seen with considerable probability, and the area is attracting worldwide attention.

↓Click here for diving tours where you can swim with manta rays.


Sea turtles, which are listed as an endangered species, can be seen with high probability in the waters of Ishigaki Island.

Sea turtles areThey only live in clean waters.The sea creatures can be seen only in the Yaeyama Islands, including Ishigaki Island, because they are the only islands in Japan where the sea creatures can be seen.

↓Click here for diving tours where you can swim with sea turtles.


Other tropical fish, such as the clownfish made famous by "Finding Nemo" and the primary blue Luris sparrow, can also be enjoyed during the dive.


Capture the underwater world of your dreams!
Many tours with underwater photo gifts


If you have gone through the trouble of participating in a diving tour in Ishigaki Island, be sure to capture the underwater scenery and your own swimming image in a tangible form!

The abundance of table corals, eda corals, and tropical fish that are hard to find in other areas can only be seen on Ishigaki Island.


If you are lucky, you may be able to take a photo of yourself swimming with a sea turtle.

The instructor may take pictures or video for you,Diving tours with photo service are recommended.It is!

Includes photo gift
Click here for diving tours in Ishigaki Island

How to swim with manta rays and sea turtles in Ishigaki Island

Swim with the manta rays of your dreams in Ishigaki Island!
I recommend joining the manta ray tour☆.


I want to dive with manta rays! Such a dream can easily come true in Ishigaki Island.

Manta rays often swim at a depth of about 6 to 7 meters and can be done without a license.It can be found even at the depth of the dive experience.

Local guides with extensive knowledge of manta ray pointsLet's go looking for manta rays with

↓Click here for diving tours to see manta rays.

↓ Click here for more information about Manta Tours


Enjoy sea turtles up close☆.


On Ishigaki Island, you can meet sea turtles at a frequency as high as 70%.

Spawning spots for sea turtles are in the Yaeyama Islands.KurushimaSince it is located in such places as,Often found in spring and summer during spawning seasonYes.

Sea turtles can be encountered while snorkeling, but diving allows you to swim with them more closely!

↓Click here for diving tours to see sea turtles

Selected Diving Spots in Ishigaki Island


Famous diving spots are scattered around Ishigaki Island.

Diving spots around Ishigaki Island can be divided into four major categories: Northern, Kabira, Western, and Southern.Here is a selection of diving spots.


Northern Area


The northern area is a bit far from the city center, but it is a diving spot with pristine nature.


Itona Dome

◆Max depth: 20m
◆Current: sometimes strong

This is a spot where visitors can see a mysterious sight of light shining straight through a dome-shaped hole.

Beautiful sights can be seen even at depths of about 11 meters, allowing even beginners to enjoy the experience to the fullest.


Kabira Area


Kabira area is a diving area around Yonehara from the offshore of Kabira Bay, which is famous as the most spectacular view in Ishigaki Island.

The waters are rich with manta rays, coral reefs, and other marine life of all sizes.


Yonehara W Leaf (Hukapi)

◆Max depth: 25m
◆Flow: Almost none

The point is located off Yonehara Beach in the Kabira neighborhood of Ishigaki Island. The vast reef allows you to take courses on the east and west sides.

There are various types of dives, such as terrain dives and fish watch dives, that can be enjoyed depending on the diver's preference,Enjoyable for beginners and advanced users alike.Point.

Learn more about ↓Yonehara Beach


Kabira-Ishizaki Manta Scramble

◆Max depth: 25m
◆Flow: Almost none

The manta ray spot in Ishigaki Island is a very popular diving spot where you can watch a school of manta rays.Kabira-Ishizaki Manta Scramble."The season for breeding, especially from September to October, is the most popular time of the year. September to October is especially the breeding season, when many males can be seen chasing after females!

Breeding season in September and October is the best season to increase the probability of encounter.Recommended due to the

Click here for more information about ↓Manta Tours


Manta City Point

◆Max depth: 20m
◆Flow: Almost none

Not far from the Kabira-Ishizaki Manta Scramble, this is another popular spot to see manta rays.

Manta rays can be seen at relatively shallow depths.


Western Area


There is a series of dive sites along the coastline from Nagura Bay to around Oganzaki.

Visitors can enjoy colorful tropical fish and coral reefs, as well as topographic features such as tunnels and arches.


Sakieda maze

◆Maximum depth: 20m~.
◆Flow: Almost none

The maze, as it is called, offers a complex topography. The fusion of natural arches and tunnels with light is fantastic. It is often featured in the media.

Surrounded by reefs, these calm waters are recommended for beginners.


Osaki Hanagoi Reef

◆Maximum depth: 30m~.
◆Flow: Almost none

This is an area where the seafloor is covered with a colony of ubieda coral. Beautiful coral reefs and the vivid dance of "hanagoi," as the name suggests, can be seen.


Southern Area


The vast coral reef area "Seokusei-shoko" stretches over Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands, and the southern area straddling Taketomi, Kuroshima, and Panari Islands, where various types of coral reefs can be found.

Surrounded by reefs, many of the points are calm and can be dived even during the winter months.


Yonara Channel

◆Max depth: 30m
◆Flow: Yes

This spot is located on the east side of Iriomote Island. The cleaning station is around 26m deep.Spots for intermediate and above(with the result that) ...Yes.

Manta rays, isomargin tuna, and sea turtles are sometimes seen at this spot.

↓Click here to read the article.


Kuroshima Therapy

◆Max depth: 8m
◆Flow: Almost none

Kuroshima Therapy isArea of pure white sandThe depth of the water is relatively shallow (5 to 8 meters). The depth of the water is relatively shallow (5 to 8 meters), so you can see the beautiful Kuroshima blue, which shines brightly in the sunlight.

There are coral roots in the sandy area, and schools of scalloped coral fish, spiny eels, semipalmated eels, and other small fish can also be observed.

The area around Kuroshima Island is a point where large amounts of plankton occur during the winter months, and manta rays that come to feed on the plankton can be seen.

Beginners OK] Half-day Diving Tour in Ishigaki Island

Beginners OK】1-Day Diving Tour in Ishigaki Island


As mentioned earlier, Ishigaki Island is rich in diving spots.Multiple PointsIf you want to enjoy the surroundings and plenty of diving, a one-day tour is recommended.

In addition, the one-day diving experience can be done while familiarizing oneself with snorkeling in the water, so first-timers can enjoy the experience with more ease.

Not only diving, but also landing on phantom islands and marine sports,Save on other activities with a full-day tour!You'll enjoy it. ♪

↓Diving tour with landing on a mysterious island

↓Diving tour with fishing and landing on a fantastic island

Ishigaki Island Sightseeing Spots and Diving Sets

Healed by the original landscape of Okinawa☆.
Taketomi Island Sightseeing & Experience Diving Tour


Ishigaki Island Tours offers a plan that includes a diving experience and sightseeing in the popular sightseeing spot "Taketomi Island".

I highly recommend it because you can enjoy all the activities and spots you want to visit and experience in one day.

Enjoy a relaxing and leisurely island time.

↓Taketomi Island Sightseeing & Experience Diving Tour

↓Includes landing on a phantom island! Taketomi Island Sightseeing & Experience Diving Tour

↓Learn more about Taketomi Island Sightseeing Tour


Panari Island & Experience Diving Tour


Panari Island has no regular boats,Can only be visited by tourThe area is home to pristine coral reefs and colorful tropical fish. You will enjoy a vivid underwater world of pristine coral reefs and colorful tropical fish.

The dive will be conducted in a shallow area at a depth of around 3 meters, so first-timers can participate with ease.

↓Panari Island Experience Diving Tour

↓Fishing & Diving Tour

↓Learn more about Panari Island Tours

Recommended Fun Diving Tours in Ishigaki Island

What is Fun Diving?


Fun diving" refers to diving by licensed divers. It offers a high degree of freedom and a variety of underwater activities.

From Experience DivingDeep LocationThis is a diving activity that allows you to dive into the This is a slightly more challenging activity in which participants can enjoy diving while managing their own safety by utilizing the knowledge and skills they have acquired through diving license training.

↓Recommended Fun Diving Half-Day Course

↓Recommended Fun Diving 1 Day Course


What is a license (C-card)?


The "diving license" is commonly referred to as a "diving license," but the exact term is "C-card (Certification Card).

The training program is provided by a diving educational institution and is designed to help you to enjoy diving.Proof that you have acquired the necessary knowledge and skillsIt is issued as a


With friends who don't have a license!


The following plans are,Possible to dive with a friend who does not have a license(e.g., diving together on the first dive and diving separately on the second dive, or diving together on both dives). (Dive the first dive together and dive the second dive separately, or dive both the first and second dives together, etc.)

When diving with experience divers, we dive at shallower depths to accommodate them.

Enjoy safe and fun diving with a local guide who knows the tidal currents and straits of Ishigaki Island.

Without a doubt, it will be a trip where you can rediscover the charm of Ishigaki Island's sea!


Minimum 2 days! License Course


open water diverWhen licensed,Maximum depth 18 metersYou will be able to dive with a buddy until you are ready to dive with a buddy until you are ready to dive with a buddy until you are ready to dive with a buddy.

Many of our instructors are women, so you don't have to worry about being alone.

↓License acquisition course

What to Wear and Bring for Ishigaki Island Diving Tours

What do I need to bring for diving?


To ensure a smooth start of the tour on the day of the tour, we recommend that swimsuits be worn beforehand at the meeting.

What to bring for diving
○ Swimsuit
changing one's clothes
○ Bath towel
C-card and log book (for fun diving)

After a fun dive, you will change into your personal clothes. Basically, you just go back to the clothes you came in, so the only thing you actually need to change into is your underwear.â


What to bring for the diving experience


In Okinawa, where the sun's rays are strong, sunscreen is a necessity for both men and women. We recommend a water-proof type that does not dissolve in water.

Things to have with you when diving
Sun protection (sunscreen, sunglasses)
Waterproof camera
○ Contact lens change
○○ Waterproof bag
○○ Rush Guard
○Cold-proof goods

If you don't have a rash guard and are not sure about purchasing one, a hoodie or other woven item is useful!

Frequently Asked Questions about Ishigaki Island Diving Tours

Q. I am a beginner diver.
Experienced guides will provide full support, so don't worry. Everyone is a beginner at first. Please feel free to join us!
Q. Do I need to be able to swim to dive in Ishigaki Island?
Of course, you can participate! Some people with diving licenses cannot swim, so even those who cannot swim can enjoy diving.
Q. Can I dive after arriving at Ishigaki Island?
Yes, it is possible. Please note that we may not be able to meet your request due to sea conditions or reservations on the day of the tour.
Q. Will diving be cancelled on rainy days?
Rain is not a problem for diving and the event will be held as scheduled.
*When strong winds such as typhoons cause rough seas, we may have no choice but to change the course or cancel the tour.
Q. Can I dive in winter?
Diving is possible all year round. Winter is recommended because the water temperature drops and transparency is higher than in summer!
Q. When is the best season to dive in Ishigaki Island?
Diving can be enjoyed year-round on the warm Ishigaki Island, but we recommend July, October, and November to avoid the rainy season and typhoon season.
Q. What kind of diving spots are there around Ishigaki Island?
Diving spots around Ishigaki Island can be divided into four major categories: Northern, Kabira, Western, and Southern. Popular diving spots include "Yonehara W Reef" off Yonehara Beach, which is recommended for beginners, "Kabira Ishizaki Manta Scramble" where you have a high probability of encountering manta rays, and "Kuroshima Terapy" with its pure white sandy beach.
Q. Can I participate by myself?
Of course. Many people attend alone!
Q. What should I bring on a diving tour?
A swimsuit, towel, and change of clothes are all you need. (*Please check each plan page).
Q. Can I fly on the day of diving?
It is not possible to board an airplane on the same day you dive. To prevent decompression sickness, please allow at least 12 hours before boarding your flight.
Q. Can I participate wearing contact lenses?
You may participate. Disposable contact lenses are recommended in case of loss.

New Ishigaki Island Diving and Scuba Diving Tour Testimonials

miyu / 20s Posted on 2024-09-23

I was very impressed with the wonderful world under the sea ✨I was disappointed that we could not see manta rays because the point was changed due to a typhoon, but we could see sea turtles instead. I will definitely visit again. Thank you very much!

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Mr. MK / 20s Posted on 2024-08-21

We had a private party of 9 people. I did not consult with them in advance, so we decided on the day of the event where we wanted to go. I made a rough request for a place where we could see beautiful coral reefs, and we were taken to Barasu Island and Hatoma Island area! I had a very productive time with your one-day plan. Thank you very much!

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Mr. Kissy / 40s Posted on 2024-08-14

The experience diving tour on Panari Island was a dream come true! It was so special to be able to land on a secluded island where there are no regular boats. First, we relaxed by snorkeling in the shallows, and after getting used to the sea, we could try diving, so even beginners could enjoy it without worries. Thanks to our guide, who shared a lot of island knowledge with us, we were able to fully enjoy the charms of Panari Island. The clear waters, beautiful coral reefs, and the experience on the island of the mermaid legend are memories I will never forget!

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Mr. Kajiwara / 40s Posted on 2024-08-14

It was a great experience to fully enjoy the beautiful sea of Gaki Island! It was my first time diving, but the guide was very kind and made me feel comfortable even as a beginner. After learning the basics on the first dive, we finally went to the manta point on the second dive! I was so impressed to see the manta rays swimming gracefully in front of me. I would definitely recommend this tour if you come to Ishigaki Island!

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Mr. Yasan / 30's Posted on 2024-07-29

The sea of the fantastic island was emerald green, and I felt as if I had wandered into another world. I was a beginner diver, but the staff made me feel at ease. The scenery of Taketomi Island was also wonderful.

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Mr. imaoka / 20s Posted on 2024-07-29

Landing on the phantom island was like being lost in another world, and I enjoyed diving to see the creatures in the sea. The scenery of Taketomi Island was also nice and serene.

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  • Find a tour

    Find the tour you want to join based on the scene and time of day♪.

  • Reservation Plan Application

    Once you have decided on the plan you want to apply for, select the date and time and start the application process!

  • Reservation Confirmation

    Ishigakijima Tours will contact you once your reservation is complete♪

  • Take a tour

    All that remains is to participate on the day of the event! Let's have fun to the fullest!

open (e.g. store) 8:00-17:00