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Creatures you can meet in Ishigaki Island and Iriomote Island

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Creatures you can encounter on Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands!


On Ishigaki Island, which belongs to the subtropical zone, you can see various creatures that cannot be seen in Honshu such as Tokyo and Osaka.While some of the creatures are cute at times, many are larger and more realistic than those found on the mainland.Seeing creatures for the first time is a great way for not only children but also adults to return to their childhood and feel excited and thrilled. In this issue, we will introduce creatures that can be seen on Ishigaki Island, Iriomote Island, etc., on land and underwater.

Click here to book a ferry to Iriomote Island.


Creatures found on land in Ishigaki and Iriomote

Rhizophora mucronata (species of midge)

The smallest firefly in Japan and said to be the first to be seen in Japan, the Yaeyama firefly can be seen from March to June,Many people are moved to tears by its beauty.The following is a summary of the results of the study.For about an hour after sunset, fireflies glow in clusters of hundreds or thousands,Also known as a "carpet of light."It is also said to be one of the most beautiful places in Japan. It is a must-see beauty when you visit Ishigaki Island.

Click here for Yaeyama firefly viewing tour

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Siberian thrush (Turdus sibiricus)

Saw-toothed turban shells are famous as a luxury food on Ishigaki Island.It is a crab that lives around the mangrove rivers of Ishigaki Island and Iriomote Island, and is also known as a mangrove crab. The Sawtooth Lizard Crab is characterized by its very strong scissors that can easily break off a thick branch. It is also famous as a local dish, and its crab soup, called gazami soup, is delicious with the flavor of crab.


crested serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela)

The crested serpent eagle is found only in the Yaeyama Islands in Japan. It is a rare species designated as a natural treasure and endangered species. Although the crested serpent eagle is a rare species, you can sometimes see them when you are riding in a car in Ishigaki Island. As the name suggests, their cool appearance makes you want to take pictures of them flying and feeding. They sometimes perch on trees, so be sure to take a look!


Yaeyama flying fox (Pteropus volitans)

Yaeyama flying foxes fly around in the great nature at night. In Ishigaki Island, you can see several of them perched on palm trees and flying between the palm trees.Unlike the bats seen in Tokyo and other places, the bats are so large that when they spread their wings, they may be as large as 1 meter.I was surprised when it flew over my head, but it was as powerful as that.

The red glowing eyes of a bat hanging from a palm tree are also a little thrilling, but in fact, this bat, also known as a "fruit bat," likes to eat nuts, so unlike normal bats, it does not have such well-developed fangs. They are also called "fruit bats" and they like to eat nuts, so unlike normal bats, they do not have fangs. The night tour in Ishigaki Island takes you to the place where you can see Yaeyama flying foxes, so why don't you join the night tour and have a look?

Click here for night tours where you can see Yaeyama flying foxes.

↓ Click here to read the article on night tours ↓ Click here to read the article on night tours


coconut crab (Birgus latro)


Endangered coconut crabs are very popular on Ishigaki Island night tours.Because they are nocturnal, they are rarely encountered during the day, but are often found in specific locations.

It is said that coconut crabs do not die in their lifespan because they constantly produce new cells through repeated molting. It is enviable that they are always able to stay young. Although their shells look hard, they are said to be vulnerable to impact and die when they fall from rocks.

Click here for night tours where you can see coconut crabs.

Check out more Ishigaki Island Night Tours!

↓ Click here to read an article about coconut crabs ↓ Click here to read an article about coconut crabs


Eviota japonica (species of pygmy goby found in Japanese waters)

The Southern Flying Goby is a goby that lives in mangrove swamps in Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands!. They can often be seen when it is raining or the day after it rains. Although classified as a fish, they do not live in rivers and are often found on land.

In Ishigaki Island, you can see them in places such as the Fukidori River. They move so quickly that it is difficult to catch them by hand. Please try to catch them when you see them.

If you want to see the Southern Flying Goby, this is the plan.


Iriomote wildcat (Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis)

Many people may have an image of "Iriomote wildcat" when they think of Iriomote Island! Many people may have an image of Iriomote Island as "Iriomote wild cat". As you know, Iriomote wildcat is designated as an endangered species, and there are no more than 100 of them left in Iriomote Island...So even for local residents, about 1 in 50 times.Only,You can't find Iriomote wildcat when you go looking for it...It's a little sad.

There is a place called the Wildlife Conservation Center in Iriomote, so if you really want to see them, you may want to go there. You may be lucky enough to see them on a night tour, so do not expect too much.

If you want to see Iriomote wildcat, click here↓.
(* The chances of seeing an Iriomote wildcat are pretty slim.)

Iriomote Island Night Tour


water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

Although not on Ishigaki Island, buffaloes can be seen on Yubu Island in Iriomote Island.The buffalo of Yubu Island are famous for the buffalo carts that cross the island while the crew pulls a sanshin (three-stringed musical instrument).The buffalo cart slowly crosses the sea between Iriomote and Yubu Island, and you can feel indescribable Okinawan atmosphere. In Yubu Island, you can see buffaloes playing in the water!

If you want to experience a buffalo cart, click here.

↓Learn more about Yubu Island


tree nymph butterfly (Idea leuconoe)

Japan's largest butterfly, a specialty of the Yubu Island "Subtropical Botanical Garden," which you cross from Iriomote Island on a buffalo cart.They are said to be up to 13-15 cm in size and can sometimes be seen on Ishigaki Island and other places. The flying Giant Crow Butterfly is very beautiful.

The chrysalis (pupa) of the giant sesame butterfly is also attractive in its golden color. Gold-colored pupae are highly prized in China, making them very popular with Chinese people.


common peafowl (Pavo cristatus)

The beautiful blue fluorescent Indian peacock is sometimes seen on Ishigaki Island. The spots that look like many eyes when they spread their wings are wonderful.

In Ishigaki Island, you can often encounter them in Banna Park and mangrove swamps, and sometimes on mangrove tours!The best way to see the Indian peacock is to take a mangrove river cruise. You can also cruise the mangrove river and look for Indian peacocks!

*The Indian peacock is an invasive species.

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grey heron (Ardea cinerea)


The blue heron is the largest member of the heron family, with a bluish-gray back and a total length of 93 cm. They breed in groups in marshy forests north of Kyushu, then fly to waterside areas in various regions.

As chicks, the neck and crown feathers are fuzzy, but as they grow up, their visual appearance changes, and as adults they have a white neck and black crown feathers on their head. The sides and rear of the bird appear bluish gray. They have a habit of sunbathing and can be seen standing in the sun with their wings half open.


scrubious swallowtail butterfly (esp. the citrus swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus)


The A. aojia swallowtail butterfly is a species of swallowtail butterfly with a forewing length of 30-45 meters that inhabits Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, and the Nansei Is, except Hokkaido, in Japan. Adult A. swallowtail butterflies emerge between May and October, and can be seen flying around plants in mountains, forests, and other areas.

The larvae of the A. aegypti swallowtail butterfly feed on camphor trees used for tree planting and can often be seen around cities. Those who wish to observe them should look for them around parks, roadside trees, and evergreen forests.


Chlorophthalmus albatrossis (species of greeneye)


The green lacewing moth is a sucking pest of about 10 mm in length belonging to the family of lacewing moths of the suborder Lepidoptera. The larvae can be seen from mid-May, and adults can be seen flying in July. The larvae are parasitic on a variety of plants and are found in mountainous forests.


web-spinner (any insect of order Embioptera, esp. family Oligotomidae)


The blue myocatanid has a pale yellowish-green shell and a very pretty, translucent body. Two antlers protrude from the body, with a black eye-like object at the tip. The adult blue miohokatanishi is only about 1.5 cm in length, and even when stretched out it is only about 2 cm in length.

These creatures are popular for their beautiful coloring and cute form and size, but there are fears that they are becoming extinct.The causes are thought to be the development of the island's forests and predation by non-native species. The blue-meat mite cannot survive without trees. They are also slow-moving and cannot travel long distances.

The ecology of the blue-meat mite is not well understood, and artificial reproduction is considered difficult. Therefore, it is first necessary to protect the forests where they may live.


bombardier beetle (esp. species Pheropsophus jessoensis)


The Aomnes japonicus beetle is a giant tamamushi with a golden body that inhabits the coasts of Amami-Oshima and Okinawa. It can be found near the coast because its main food is the peach tamana, which grows wild in Okinawa. The color and pattern of the Aomnesji tamamushi closely resembles that of the peach tamana, which is its main food source, and thus the color mimicry and protective coloration of the Aomnesji tamamushi.The Tamamushi Kitchen, a national treasure in Horyuji Temple in Nara, is made from the wings of as many as 2,600 Yamatotamushi.


African myna (species of mynah bird, Acridotheres tristis)


The African mai mai is a land mollusk with a shell height of 15 cm or more that lives in thickets and grasses adjacent to field areas in subtropical and temperate zones. They are extremely fertile and can be seen year-round, as they lay 100 to 1,000 eggs in a cycle of about 10 days when the temperature is above 20°C. They are nocturnal, and can be seen on fallen leaves, fresh leaves, and dead animals. They are nocturnal and feed on fallen leaves, fresh leaves, animal carcasses, and fungi, and can often be seen on night jungle tours.

Click here for night tours where you can meet various creatures.


Amabiko Japanese millipede (Lithobiomorpha japonica)


Amabikojasudes are members of the family Babayasudes, genus Amabikojasudes, and are distributed throughout Honshu and southward. It is distributed throughout Honshu and southwards. Its habitat varies depending on its body length. There are six species in the genus, ranging from small ones (3.5 to 4 cm in length) to large ones (5.5 to 6 cm in length).




Gaganbos look like large mosquitoes and may look scary at first glance, but they are harmless creatures that do not bite or suck blood. They are so weak that even a light touch can be fatal, so even if you find one, leave it alone.

They are phototaxic and congregate in areas with light at night. Because of this characteristic, they often come into the house, but they are slow-moving, so you should catch them with a net or something and release them outside. There are more than 15,000 species of gadflies in the world and more than 700 species in Japan.


blue rock-thrush (Monticola solitarius)


The rock-thrush is a bird belonging to the family of the sparrowhawks, family Eupatoridae, and is found throughout Japan, while overseas it is widely distributed from the Eurasian and African continents to islands in the Pacific Ocean. The rock-thrush is not a close relative of the chickadee, but of the thrush, and measures 21 to 23 centimeters in length.

The female is slightly smaller, and has a beige or brown base with a coded pattern that extends over the entire bird. On the other hand, male birds are more colorful, with blue from the head to the upper tail tube, dark red from the breast to the abdomen and under the rain coverts, and dark blue on the windpipe and tail tip.


Japanese horse mussel (Mytilus coruscus)


Issykimai mai-mai is a snail that inhabits Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands, and has the habit of cutting off its own tail like a lizard to escape when it is in danger. When bitten by the snail-eating Iwasaki sedaka snake, which is the snail's natural enemy, it has been observed to survive by cutting its own tail off.


Cicer arietinum (species of cicer arietinum)


The Japanese cicada, Iwasaki kusazemi, is Japan's smallest cicada, measuring 12 to 17 mm in length and belonging to the Hemiptera (Hemiptera: Hemiptera) family of insects. It is found on silver grass and sugarcane in warm regions south of Okinawa Island. It is characterized by its long, guttural call on leaves. It has a shiny black body and transparent wings with a yellowish tinge at the base. It appears in early spring and early summer from March to June.

Click here for trekking tours where you can meet various creatures.

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cattle (Bos taurus)


Cows are used for cattle raising and dairy farming, and they are also found on Ishigaki Island.

Ishigaki Island's spacious land where cows can spend their time leisurely, lush green land, underground water stored in the rich land, and mild climate are suitable for breeding Wagyu cattle.Ishigaki Island On Ishigaki Island, the JA Ishigaki Beef Breeding Association, under the jurisdiction of JA Okinawa, is the main breeding management organization for Ishigaki beef, which is a brand name beef.


Agelena limbata (species of araneomorph funnel-web spider)


The whirligig spider is a spider that builds white, spiral-shaped webs that can be found in grassy areas during the spring and summer seasons. They create a spiral-shaped hidden zone around the center of a horizontal circular web and hide behind it.

The quail cloud species have a special outgrowth organ called the cribriform plate, which differs from the thread warts possessed by other spiders. Not only members of the quail spider family, but also members of the gachydid spider family have cribriform plates. While the common cloud has a sticky web or mucilaginous sphere, the caddisfly has a structure in which two main threads are intertwined with thin threads called combed threads that exit from the sieve plate.


Okinawaruri flyer


The Okinawa warurichirashi is a brightly colored moth that prefers warm climates and can be found in the Nansei Islands and Honshu in Japan. The color of the head, thorax, and legs changes depending on the angle of view, giving the moth a metallic sheen. Because of its visual beauty, it is sometimes mistaken for a butterfly, but it is a moth. Some municipalities have listed it on the Red List.


Asplenium antiquum (species of spleenwort)


The Oshima Mado Firefly is the largest firefly in Japan and is found in warmer regions such as Okinawa.It is a little larger than the Akimado firefly which lives on Tsushima Island. It is slightly larger than the Akimado Firefly that lives in Tsushima. A similar species is the Tsushima akimado botaru, but as you can see, they are closely related. Oshima mado botaru can be seen as adults from late fall to early spring.

Click here for tours where you can see fireflies.

↓ Click here to read the article on fireflies ↓ Click here to read the article on fireflies


large-toothed shrew mole (Urotrichus talpoides)


The giant tomoe is a member of the moth family called tomae moths, the largest of which are the tomoe moths. As its name suggests, it has a prominent crest on its forewings with a tomoe pattern, and when its wings are spread out, it is about 10 cm long. The wings have beautiful white lines on a blackish-brown base with wavy edges. It is often seen on narrow paths in mountains and wooded areas. It hatches from May to August, so it can be seen during that season.


giant toad (Bufo marinus)


The toad is a non-native species that lives from the southern United States to Central and South America. As the scientific name of the toad contains the word "marinus," which means "sea," the toad is characterized by its ability to withstand saltwater.It is the largest frog in the toad family, measuring approximately 9-15 cm in length, with the largest toads exceeding 20 cm.

The toad, an exotic species, has been released in many countries around the world to control pests in sugarcane fields, and was introduced to Ishigaki Island in 1978. Although the toads were effective in pest control, they have a voracious appetite and eat everything from other frogs, small animals such as rats, snakes, and pet food, which has caused damage to endemic species.

Since toads can lay thousands to tens of thousands of eggs at one time and reproduce year-round, there are concerns about the collapse of the ecosystem in the areas where they are released, including Ishigaki Island.

This toad secretes a white fluid containing a deadly poison called bufotoxin from behind both eyes to an area called the ear glands. It is an extremely dangerous poison that can cause blindness if it gets into the eyes or a heart attack if ingested in large quantities. There have been cases of human deaths in other countries as a result of eating giant toads.


Bombus ignitus (species of longhorn beetle)


The green monkey bug is a member of the family of leafhoppers with a glossy green or indigo coloration. Although it is one of the smallest species of leaf beetle, it has a strong presence due to its beautiful coloration.It shines in the light during the day and is easy to spot at night in the dark.The following is a list of the most common problems with the

In particular, they like to eat a plant called the creeper, so if you look for the creeper, you will see it on the leaves.

Check out more Ishigaki Island Night Tours!


Creatures that can be seen in the sea of Ishigaki and Iriomote


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sea turtle

Sea turtles are creatures unique to tropical and subtropical regions. They are said to live only in clean seas and rich nature, and snorkeling and swimming with sea turtles is popular on Ishigaki Island and Iriomote Island.The sea turtles encountered on Ishigaki Island are large, about 1 meter long and up to 2 meters long!

Sea turtles are famous for crying as they lay their eggs, but they are very sensitive creatures and lay their eggs on empty beaches. They are very delicate creatures and lay their eggs on empty beaches. However, during the summer months, there is a high probability of encountering them when snorkeling or diving.

If you want to see sea turtles, click here.


manta ray

Ishigaki Island is known as the best place to see manta rays in Japan.The area is also home to a large number of manta rays. Especially during the summer season, large schools of manta rays can be seen in the direction of Kabira Bay. This is a must-see for divers and snorkelers!

Click here for tours to see manta rays.


clownfish (Balistoides conspicillum)

Clownfish with orange and white pattern made popular by the Finding Nemo movieTropical fish Tropical fish fascinate everyone with their colorful colors and their lovely appearance.

In Ishigaki Island, you can see them at many snorkeling spots. The most popular places to see bear fleas are the Blue Cave area near the beach and Ishinishi lagoon where you can go by boat. We recommend the Blue Cave for small children and the Shihsi lagoon for those who want to see them with colorful corals.

Click here for snorkeling tours in the Blue Cave.

Check out more Ishigaki Island snorkeling tours!


sapphire devil (Chrysiptera cyanea, damselfish from the Indo-West Pacific)

My personal favorite tropical fish #1. The vivid primary blue color of the Luris sparrowhawk is beautiful and can be seen forever! This colorful tropical fish can be seen in many places in Ishigaki Island, even in areas where the water level is as low as knee-deep. If it is low tide, you can see them in the sea around the blue cave in your half pants, which is highly recommended.

Check out more Ishigaki Island snorkeling tours!



Jawfish have an adorable appearance with their bodies submerged in the sand and only their heads sticking out. Therefore, they are popular as an ornamental fish, and can often be seen in the ocean of Ishigaki Island. Yellow Jawfish are very popular, and personally I think it is very cute when they spit out the sand in their mouth!


spotted scat (Scatophagus argus, species of Indo-Pacific scat which occurs in green and red morphs)

From a distance, the sea sparkles like diamonds in the water.The fish has a translucent body, as is typical of tropical fish. As is typical of tropical fish, its body is translucent, and it is found in coral areas such as Shihsi lagoon. The collaboration of the colorful coral and the scalloped coral is the best!


coral reef

Ishigaki Island is the most colorful coral area in JapanCoral reefs are actually animals, unlike seaweed and other organisms found in the ocean! Coral reefs are actually animals, unlike seaweed and other marine organisms in the sea! Moreover, as a species, it is classified as an anemone.

Coral grows naturally where certain conditions are met, so you can see groups of corals clumped together in one place. In particular, "table corals," which have a flat circular shape like a table and are densely covered with overlapping folds, and "ubieda corals," which have numerous finger protrusions, are famous as hiding places for tropical fish.

Also, various kinds of tropical fish make their home around the coral reefs, so much so that they are called underwater tropical forests. Please enjoy snorkeling in Ishigaki Island, the best coral area in Japan!

Check out more Ishigaki Island snorkeling tours!


Okinawa's three finest quality fish (Acanthurus okinawae, species found in Okinawa)



bloodworm (nonbiting midge larva)

It is one of the three most expensive fish in Okinawa, and its bright red body color is indeed a high-class fish. You can sometimes catch it when fishing in Ishigaki Island or Iriomote Island. It is also large in size.The biggest one is about 1 meter longIt is also useful because it can be eaten in a variety of ways. The recommended dish is grated radish stew!


kimono color combination (crimson outside, bluish purple inside)

It is one of the three most expensive fish in Okinawa. The akamachi is a deep-sea fish found at depths of several hundred meters, making it difficult to catch without a proper fishing rod. It has a funny shape, just like a deep-sea fish. Because it is so difficult to catch, the price of akamachi on the market can exceed 10,000 yen.



Okinawa fish tend to have a lighter taste than fish from the Hokkaidō and Hokuriku regions, so it is often said that fish from the Sea of Japan is more delicious when served as sashimi, for example. Among them, makubu is a sweet and resilient fish that can be eaten as sashimi. Its flesh is firmer than that of other fish, and it has less of the distinctive southern smell, so it can be enjoyed even by those who are not so fond of Okinawan fish.

If you want to catch Okinawa's three most expensive fish, this is the place to go.

Iriomote Island Fishing Tour

Plants you can see in Ishigaki and Iriomote

nipa palm

A large tree with leaves like you have seen in Jurassic Park. In Japan, the nipa palm can only be seen on Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands. In addition, the nipa palm growing wild in a place called Funaura in Iriomote Island is designated as a natural monument.

Click here for the tour of Iriomote Island where you can see nipa palms.


Litsea coreana (species of tree in the laurel family)

Saxifraga japonica is very popular in Iriomote Island. It is a tree with board-like roots called "ban-kon," and its appearance becomes thicker and thicker year by year. If you look closely, you can see that it is layered and has been growing for a long time. There is a saxifrage tree around Nakama River in Iriomote Island that is more than 400 years old, and it is well worth seeing.

Click here for the tour of Iriomote Island where you can see saxifrage.


Japanese mountain ash (Sorbus japonica)


It looks like the ivy from "Jack and the Beanstalk," and it can be a very strong ivy. The modama tree produces large pea-like fruits, and the pods can be over 1 meter long. Taking a picture with a modama tree is very popular during the tour!

You may see a modama tree! Click here for tours in Iriomote Island

Check out more details about Iriomote Island tours from Ishigaki Island!


In this article, I have divided the rare creatures that can be seen on Ishigaki Island and Iriomote Island into land and underwater. There are still other creatures unique to Ishigaki Island, but the creatures introduced here are the ones you should definitely see when you come to Ishigaki Island. Please look for them during your tours and drives.


All the fun in Ishigaki Island is here↓.
Ishigaki Island Tours

←List of recommended sightseeing spots on Ishigaki Island

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