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Ishigaki Island Related Information

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comprehensive evaluation 5


Amount of money Basic fee (2 hours per person):7,000yen
Each additional hour: 3,500 yen
time zone 6:00 - 24:00
the time required 2 hours ~
Holding period year round
Features of this plan


Mothers and fathers take a break once in a while!
Okinawa Onsite Babysitting Plan

On-site sitter service available throughout Okinawa Prefecture.

Childcare or nursing staff will be available to assist you at hotels, beaches, weddings, or other support locations of your choice.

For those who...
◆ Participating in marine activities such as diving and snorkeling
◆Golf Dinner Room
◆ Accompanying wedding photos and ceremony
◆ Accompanying you to the pool, beach, outings, etc.

Use according to your purpose.
Why not make time for yourself on your trip?


Childcare time is also part of the memories.
Please feel free to contact us for any use!

We will meet a variety of requests so that even first-time visitors to Okinawa can feel at ease.

Examples of Past Usage
◆During marine activities in which children are not allowed to participate
◆Wedding photo shooting in progress
◆I want my children to play outdoors.
◆Watch for situations where it is difficult for children to be present, such as training sessions and seminars.

We can travel to your hotel or to the location of your tour, wherever you are staying.

Of course, it can be used for many other occasions as well, so please feel free to contact us.


Photography service available during childcare.

Babysitters will take pictures of your child in their care and present you with the photo data.

You wonder what they were doing out of sight...! The charm of this plan is that you can see your children enjoying themselves.


Only in Okinawa! Support for remote islands is available.

We have supporters on each island, so we can support even remote islands.

Please be assured that all supporters are qualified nursery school teachers or nurses!


Remote interview is available in advance for those who wish to meet with us.

We will share necessary information, etc. via zoom so that you can request childcare services with peace of mind.


If you wish to have a remote interview, please check the "Remote Interview" box on the reservation request form.

Reference Schedule
Flow of Use
(i) Reservations at Ishigaki Island Tours
*Advance credit card reservations only.
(2) hearing
➡︎ You will be asked to fill out a hearing sheet regarding the child(ren) you will be taking care of and the support you will provide.
(iii) Online face to face meeting (if desired)
Visit ➡︎Zoom to introduce yourself and review the support process, etc.
4) Support at your preferred date, time and location
5) Support Report
We will report on the support after ➡︎ is completed.

*The above is a guide only.
Please note that the flow may change depending on the situation.

Course Content and Details
Minimum stay of 2 hours
Basic fee
2 hours:7,000yen
Additional 1 hour: +3,500 yen
For 2 children: +1,500 yen (per hour)
For 3 persons: +2,000 yen (per hour)

note (supplementary information) symbolIriomote Island (Okinawa)interpoint (interword separation)islets of Ogasawara (islands)A separate travel fee will be charged for use in the following locations
*In the unlikely event that a supporter living on a remote island is unable to respond, a supporter from the main island of Okinawa may be dispatched, but this will incur air, boat, and lodging costs. (Consultation required).
*Special fee (+3,000 yen per support) will be charged during the year-end and New Year holidays (12/29 - 1/3).

Fee includes
Sitter fee, consumption tax, transportation fee (extra charge for remote islands), insurance fee, remote interview in advance
personal effects
Children are requested to prepare their own food and beverages.
Meeting and Dismissal Location
Negotiable (hotel, beach, etc., to be flexible).
Sitter Location
Negotiable (hotel, beach, etc., to be flexible).
business period
year round
Hours of operation and use
Hours of operation: 6:00-24:00
Duration: 2 hours minimum
Age Range
0 years old - 6th grade
simultaneous or synchronous childcare
Max. 3 persons
Up to 20:00 3 days prior to the date of the event

*Before making a reservation, be sure toprecautionsfor more information.

Precautions 》

*We may not be able to provide support at the requested date and time if you contact us at the last minute.
We recommend that you contact us at least one month in advance so that we can make adjustments.

*Please note that only credit card payment is accepted in advance.

*In the case of remote islands, transportation by boat or plane is required, so a separate transportation fee of +5,000 yen will be charged.

About the area

This plan covers reservations for Ishigaki Island, Iriomote Island, Hateruma Island, Taketomi Island, Kohama Island, Kuroshima Island, Yonaguni Island, Kayima Island, and Hatoma Island.

For reservations on other remote islands, please see below.

◆Okinawa Island, Kume Island

Kerama Islands (Zamami Island, Aka Island, Tokashiki Island, etc.)

Cancellation Policy

◆In case of cancellation due to typhoon, natural disaster, etc.
In the event of a force majeure natural disaster such as typhoon, earthquake, fire, etc., (1) transportation services such as buses and airplanes are completely stopped, (2) a warning is issued in the area where the support is to be provided, or (3) it is foreseeable that the customer or supporter will have difficulty moving during the support, etc., and it is difficult to ensure safety. In such cases, we may cancel the reservation without cancellation fee after consultation between the two parties.

*If the customer wishes to cancel for his/her own convenience even though support is available, the usual cancellation fee will apply.

For wedding photos and ceremonies, if the studio decides to cancel by 5:00 p.m. the day before due to a typhoon or inclement weather, no cancellation fee will be charged. Cancellation by the customer or on the day of cancellation will incur cancellation fees as usual.

◆Cancellation policy for this plan

2 days ago 25% of the fee
1 day ago 50% of the fee
very day 100% of fees
Frequently asked questions about this plan
Q. What kind of food should I prepare for my child during support?
In order to ensure safe support, supporters are not allowed to cook during support. It is possible to reheat food prepared in advance in a microwave oven (e.g. lunch boxes, bread, rice balls, etc.). (e.g. bento, bread, rice balls, etc.)
Q. What should I do about the sitter's meals and breaks?
If a supporter enters support after mealtime, he/she is instructed to finish eating before support or to bring a light meal and eat it as much as possible and at a time that does not interfere with the support. Basically, there is no break time for supporters during support. In the case of overnight care or long hours of support, we may consult with you about break times, etc.
Q. Can I choose a sitter?
In principle, we will decide who to appoint, but if there is a supporter you would like to appoint, please let us know at the time of booking. (Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request.)
Q. I have an early appointment and will be able to return earlier than the scheduled end time of the support. In that case, can I be charged up to the time I return home?
If parents return earlier than the scheduled end time, they will still be charged up to the time communicated at the time the reservation is confirmed. If you return early, we will continue to assist you until the scheduled end time if you wish.
Q. Is it possible to support children with developmental disabilities or disabilities?
If you provide us with detailed information about your child's characteristics and involvement at the time of the hearing, and the supporter determines that we can safely support your child, we will accept your request. Please let us know even the smallest details so that we can support your child safely. (Even if your child is not diagnosed and is in the gray zone, please provide us with detailed information about his or her characteristics and how to interact with the child.)
Q. Is it possible to support any remote islands?
Yes♪ We have many staff members on the main island, Ishigaki Island, and Miyako Island. We can also provide services to the Yaeyama Islands, Tarama Islands, Kerama Islands, and islands around the main island of Okinawa, but you will have to pay for the boat and airfare.
Q. Can I have my child give me medication during support?
In the unlikely event that medication is needed at the time of support, a medication request form must be filled out, a single dose prepared, and double-checked by the supporter and parent/guardian. Medications must be prescribed by a physician and cannot be home remedies, over-the-counter medications, etc.
Q. Can I ask you to walk my pet during the support?
We cannot accept pets for walking as we place the highest priority on supporting the safety of children.
Q. If you have time during the support, can you wash the dishes or fold the laundry?
As a general rule, we do not accept chores during support services since our first priority is to ensure the safety of the child. However, we may be able to accept chores during the child's nap time as long as we can do them while keeping an eye on the child nearby.
Q. What insurance coverage do you have?

We have liability insurance from Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. and the coverage is as follows. If an "accident involving bodily injury or property damage" occurs during support, you may apply for insurance.

Compensation in the course of business
Indemnification for business results (product liability)
Compensation for entrusted property
Business Malpractice Compensation

*Insurance coverage is at the discretion of the insurance company. If a violation of the terms and conditions is found in the support details, the insurance application will not be accepted.

Q. How to respond to emergencies during support?
In the event of a sudden injury or accident to a child during support, the supporter will assess the degree of urgency of the situation and provide first aid or arrange for an ambulance. In the event of an emergency, we will hand the child over to emergency personnel or a doctor, and as soon as the child is safe, we will inform the parents of the current situation and the circumstances. If it is not an emergency and there is enough time to receive instructions, we will contact the parents/guardians while monitoring the child's condition.
word of mouth
Total 2

Nickname (optional)


comprehensive evaluationindispensable
Photos of the experience/usage (optional)
*Uploadable images are limited to 5 MB or less. We look forward to your submissions with great photos!

Month of posting: 2024/01

This was my first trip to Okinawa and I knew there was a safe place to leave my child. The sitter was very friendly and my child immediately took to her.

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noko acid20代
Month of posting: 2024/01

We asked for support at our wedding. I was anxious about having my children with me during the ceremony and photo shoot at the hotel, but the professional staff looked after them well. We also had remote interviews, which gave us peace of mind. Thanks to you, we were able to enjoy the wedding to the fullest as a couple. Thank you very much.

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Flow of Reservation and Participation

  • Find a tour

    Find the tour you want to join based on the scene and time of day♪.

  • Reservation Plan Application

    Once you have decided on the plan you want to apply for, select the date and time and start the application process!

  • Reservation Confirmation

    Ishigakijima Tours will contact you once your reservation is complete♪

  • Take a tour

    All that remains is to participate on the day of the event! Let's have fun to the fullest!

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